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Online future getting covered

LALUX Assurances · A modern new website for LALUX

LALUX Assurances, the leading insurance company in Luxembourg, commissioned us to revamp the design and development of their public website. With a platform no longer that young, LALUX wanted to modernize the company's digital image and offer a mobile experience that live up to its national reputation.


As with banks, the challenge that we usually face with insurance companies, is the variety of domains. There are many products and offers we have to deal with. As a result, the insurance ecosystem is often seen as large and complex from a user point of view. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the experience to help customers make sense of products and to smoothen their decision making process.


To address this challenge, we decided to organise the experience around 3 key components. As a starting point, the main navigation. On any page, a bottom navigation allows the user to identify the insurance domain covered by Lalux. Each domain and product page is filled with structured and standardised content. As a result, the user can get used to how and where to find relevant information. Finally, we developed easy-to-read product comparison tables. With these tables the user can make decisions based on comparable information.

Information & help screen of the Lalux website design
Media page on the Lalux website
Home screen of the lalux website design
Form on the Lalux website for a car insurance

“Apart has assisted us in the analysis of needs, the relooking of the UI, and advised us on the monitoring and analysis of key indicators, which allowed us to increase the effectiveness of our digital campaigns. With a multi-disciplinary, multilingual, reactive and proactive team, Apart has helped us improve our internal digital marketing skills and provide our clients and prospects with an optimal user experience.”

Ralph ZEIMET, LALUX Assurances

Ipad and Iphone screens of the Lalux website design
Illustration of people dancing, parent and child under an umbrella, a woman falling on a pillow, a superhero, a hand with a smartphone, a woman in a swimming hoop for Lalux website
Gif animation of icons used on the Lalux website
Set of icons used on the Lalux website
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