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Our development team is made up of frontend developers, PHP developers and full-stack developers. From websites to mobile applications or web services, our team is able to think, plan and deliver a wide range of projects that rely on versatile, flexible, scalable and sustainable technologies.
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  • TYPO3

    We work with a single open source Content Management System (CMS), TYPO3, because it relies on the most widespread backend language, PHP, and combines everything you need without having to make compromises on the ease of use. After years of experience, we truly appreciate its flexibility, reliability and versatility.
  • Frontend Development

    A web interface can look great during the design process but if it’s not coded well, it won't get the attention it deserves. That’s why our Frontend team takes special care to optimise your HTML, CSS & Javascript for performance and makes your website score well on Core Web Vitals metrics and be compliant with the W3G accessibility standards.
  • Backend Development

    When you have a really specific problem that can’t be solved by already existing applications, we provide highly customised development. Our backend development team will analyse your problem, find the perfect technical solutions and build a custom application that fits your needs. This application could be a public API that accesses some of your internal resources without overwhelming your servers, a management interface that allows you to control your tools through a single place without exposing your services to the public, or your own groundbreaking new idea that needs our technical know-how.
  • Mobile Development

    To make your project available as mobile applications in the native environment of iOS or Android, our team uses React Native. Since its first release in 2015, this framework allows you to cut the cost of mobile development but still have a unified and first-class user experience supported on every major Operating Systems.
  • Dev Workshops

    To effectively integrate the project alongside your existing technical setup we closely collaborate with your IT team in order to define a strategy that takes into account your constraints, preferences and needs.
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