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You are just one scroll away from your dream workplace


At Apart, we're a small team of creative and technical minds working together to think, build and ship stuff online.

We believe that keeping a human-sized team benefits the way we think, work and collaborate with each other.
Regardless if it is work related or not, we give every team member the space to question, discuss and lead change for the team's good.

The perks

Working at Apart comes with a few satisfying advantages:
Best office space in Luxembourg
No joke, we won an award for it!
Read more on the blog
Unlimited beverages
Not one, not two but three fridges for any beverage you need.
Flexible hours & office
Make your own routine!
Team building events
Fun on a regular basis
All the equipments you need
Laptop, keyboard, mouse, ... ask for it!
No dress code
Come as you are
The values

Hard and soft skills are both important to us. We pay extra attention to who joins the company to make sure to preserve a real sense of belonging within the team.

In the day to day, we encourage every team member to take responsibility for their work so they can feel free and emancipated in their role.
We also favor the direct contact with our clients, no account manager, so we all have a better sense of proximity and reliability.

We are always looking for new talents. Send us your portfolio/CV or come Say hi at the office.

We launched a Merch brand, because, why not?
The first product of Apaart is a beautiful essential: a pair of socks. Order them now on Apaart.
Visit Apaart