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Revealing triangular dynamics

Villa Vauban · A lively and modern brand identity for Villa Vauban

Children sitting behind a large window of the museum with a large logo of  Villa Vauban in the background

The Villa Vauban is a historic institution and encapsulates tradition and modernity in the heart of Luxembourg city. For their brand identity, they asked us to embody their values and tradition, while preserving the historic element and importance of their institution.

3 posters of Villa Vauban events on white concrete wall
Villa Vauban building at sunrise
The Villa Vauban and the garden at sunset
Jute bags with brand typography in Villa Vauban's colors


For cultural institutions, a visual identity needs to be more than just a representation of the brand. It should convey meaning and awaken curiosity. The Villa Vauban was built in 1873 and modernised in the 21st century with copper cladding, but what never changed were the triangular dynamics of the building and its exhibitions.

6 posters with the Villa Vauban brand identity
3 poster variants for the same event displayed on a metal wall

The Concept

There are few things as dynamic as a triangle. From Villa Vauban’s characteristic architecture to the acute or obtuse angles of its body, all the way to its roof, the triangle is omnipresent.

The font of choice is Plantin, a renaissance typeface celebrating sixteenth century book typography with mechanised typesettings in mind. Just like the Villa Vauban, this type merges tradition with modernity, making it the perfect fit.

The triangle is nothing more than a folded corner in the logo. It indicated that, behind each element is something hidden, a meaning, a story, the life of an artist… A context you can discover at the Villa Vauban.

Why green? Well, if you visit the Villa Vauban, you’ll see that it is surrounded by the town’s greenery.

Poster with the concept of bubble to make a work of art talk
6 examples of poster featuring works of art
2 announcement posters with Villa Vauban brand identity
Poster of a Villa Vauban event on the fence
Villa Vauban front gate open
Villa Vauban · Villa Vauban, Luxembourg City Art Museum, was built in 1873 in the center of Luxembourg City and surrounded by the town's greenery. The historic museum was refurbished in the 21st century and extended with signature Philippe Schmit copper cladding. The Villa Vauban encapsulates tradition as well as modernity, reflecting this through their European and Luxembourgish Art exhibitions, ranging from the 17th to the 21st century.