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Spuerkeess · Cross-platform digital marketing campaigns

Image featuring a Google Ads digital marketing dashboard and a text ad result in Google search results

Spuerkeess entrusts us with a great part of their digital marketing campaigns. We manage year-round Google Ads campaigns as well as seasonal multi platform campaigns for them. Among these campaigns are the Google Ads housing loan campaign, the S-net digital onboarding campaign but also seasonal campaigns such as the Autofestival or the Miwwel Festival campaign to name a few.

Devices featuring Google text ads and Spuerkeess marketing landing pages for the home loan


From the development of a strategy to the keyword research, copywriting, creation of visuals and tracking of the campaign, Spuerkeess benefits from our all-inclusive service.

Our relationship with Spuerkeess started a few years ago when we took on the project to revamp their public website. We insisted on building a global content strategy from the beginning. The goal was to provide valuable information to the users and allow them to build up their knowledge about banking products & services regardless of their awareness level.

Spuerkeess uses this content strategy to supply the website with product/service pages, relevant landing pages and a blog. As a result, the digital campaigns benefit from this approach too. Spuerkeess’s campaigns are more than just advertising, their messages are always backed up by useful and relevant content. This is helping us build an enjoyable and frictionless advertising experience for the users.


Devices featuring blog articles supporting the marketing strategy
Devices featuring Google text ads and Spuerkeess marketing landing pages for the mobile app onboarding


Following the launch of the campaigns, we take care of the maintenance and optimisation. We do weekly reviews on keywords, bids and ad copy, we check on quality scores and we keep an eye on the budget to avoid over-/underspending. We constantly think about ways to improve the advertising experience by segmenting the message and creating specific content in accordance with the assessment of our success metrics.

Devices featuring Google text ads and Spuerkeess marketing landing pages for CEDIES student loan

“Good digital advertising is a combination of relevant information, a good story, great visuals and the right technology. Apart helps us on all dimensions by building the right infrastructure, defining the right strategy and executing efficently.”

Luc Sinner, Deputy Head of Marketing - Spuerkeess.

Apart is a certified Google Ads partner.
A certification we got for our Google Ads skills and expertise to optimize your campaigns and help you get results.

Apart's digital marketing badges for Google Partner and Google ads
Spuerkeess · Spuerkeess (also known as Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat), is Luxembourg's leading and oldest financial institution in Luxembourg. Established in 1856 as 'Caisse d'épargne' (Savings Bank), Spuerkeess embodies over 160 years of expertise today and has become a trusted partner for its customers and received many awards by rating agencies. Spuerkeess has also grown into an all-in-one bank, offering retail and private banking among other services.