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Mobile banking’s next level

Spuerkeess · App and web design for S-Net Mobile by Spuerkeess

When the world starts to turn mobile, the web banking can’t be left behind. In 2014, Spuerkeess gave us the opportunity to revamp their mobile banking app. Our proposition to incorporate brand singularity to a solid User Experience thrilled Spuerkeess once and for all.


Designing a mobile banking app is challenging at so many levels. We must consider a broad audience as well as a multifaceted experience that many users count on in their everyday life. By consequence, our mission is to set the foundations to a brand new design language that everyone should be able to tame and make use of.


Ease, speed, enjoyment and convenience are at the core of the S-Net user experience. S-Net Mobile is straight-forward and intuitive, the most common banking operations are simplified as much as possible to match the specific usage of a mobile banking app. The clean design also helps you quickly find what you need and enjoy the time you spend within the app.

Brand singularity

A wheel by way of navigation. This is pretty unusual but we wanted to bring a singular component into the experience that would make a statement about the ease of use of the app. You can access your banking operation in a spin of a wheel. The wheel becomes the app’s helm and offers a variety of memorable ways to communicate about the product.

Avoid overwhelming Design

Packing all the information and options into one single screen might seem like it creates overviews but most often it is only a side-effect of being unable to provide users the right information at the right time. For S-Net Mobile we reduced the number of options, buttons, and form fields on one screen to a minimal number and still provide an intuitive experience with smart transition between views. To switch quickly between content categories the user always has direct access to the navigation wheel.

Easy App Accessibility

The login is one of the crucial factors of an app. If the login is already arduous or if another device is needed to login, the users might not use the app that much. You can login to S-Net Mobile with your Luxtrust device. But you might not always have that with you when you're on the move. With S-Net Mobile you can therefore also login with a Pin code, Face ID or Touch ID. This allows you to log into the app without any struggle!

Maintain consistency

To build brand singularity it is important to maintain consistency between the desktop web banking and the mobile banking app. We paid special attention to maintain a seamless experience between both mediums so users can have a smooth transition from one to the other. To make this happen we developed a complete Design System so all the collaborators on the project could be on the same page. This holistic approach to design has a direct impact on the user, by using the S-net service they can feel a sense of clarity and security. A very satisfactory experience overall.

Standard features and beyond 

S-Net Mobile offers more than just the traditional banking operations. In the S-Net Store you can easily subscribe to new services such as creating a pension fund, opening a new bank account or requesting a personal loan. The forms are user-friendly and self-explanatory with helpful microcopy and a step by step process.

Spuerkeess · Spuerkeess (also known as Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat), is Luxembourg's leading and oldest financial institution in Luxembourg. Established in 1856 as 'Caisse d'épargne' (Savings Bank), Spuerkeess embodies over 160 years of expertise today and has become a trusted partner for its customers and received many awards by rating agencies. Spuerkeess has also grown into an all-in-one bank, offering retail and private banking among other services.